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ana barroso

Bio / Ana B.

She is a researcher at CEAUL, University of Lisbon.

She has participated in national and international conferences and has been publishing in national and international books/ magazines on art and film.

She currently lives and works in Lisbon.















-“Transitions”, ACS Magazine, Special Edition 2018 Time-based Media Issue. Ed. Pia
Cruzalegui, January 2018, Chicago, USA




-“ Lady Lazurus: viver da morte, morrer da vida. Da poesia de Sylvia Plath e das imagens de
Janieta Eyre”, H-Art, Revista de Historia, Teoria e Crítica de Arte. Universidad de los Andes,
Facultad de Artes e Humanidades, Issue 2, January 2018, Colombia




-“Transitions”, Videodance Studies: Screendance Festivals. Ed. Blas Payri and Rafael
Arnal. Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia, June 2018, Spain,




-“Youthstart”, (co- author with Cristina Soutinho and Paula Martins), The APPI- eJournal, APPI
(Associação Portuguesa de Professores de Inglês) Year 15, Spring 2018, Portugal




"Lady Lazarus: Viver da Morte, Morrer da Vida. Da poesia de Sylvia Plath e das imagens de Janieta Eyre", Hart Magazine, Universidad de los Andes, Enero 2018, Nr 2, Colombia




-"The Violence of the Unsaid in Gus Van Sant's Elephant and Paranoid Park. The Role of the Viewer in Creating Narrative Meanings". (2009) The International Journal of the Arts in Society, Vol. 4.



-"Sylvia Plath and Janieta Eyre: Estéticas da Imortalidade. (2009) Idearte, Revista de Teorias e Ciências das Artes. Vol. 5, November.




-"The Horror, the Horror! A Violência do Indizível em Heart of Darkness e Elephant. O leitor/espectador como agente dinâmico na construção de sentidos." (2009) Cine Qua Non, Spring.



-"Larry Clark's Tulsa and Kids: performing Youth Documents." (2011) Cinema, Architecture, Dispositif.  Edited by Philippe Dubois. Campanotto Editore, Italy/France.



-"Manoel de Oliveira: do sentido primordial do cinema e da sua contemporaneidade." (2011) Cena's Magazine, nr. 13.



-“Play and Kill: Film Teenage violence in Western and Eastern contemporary Societies. Van Sant’s Elephant and Fukasaku’s Battle Royale.” (2012) Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities. Vol.1, Nr.2, May.




-"O corpo e o sentido do trágico em Elephant de Gus Van Sant." (2012) Drama, revista de cinema e teatro, nr.4, March.




-“Tulsa, de Larry Clark e Rumble Fish, de Francis Ford Coppola: do outro

lado do rio da Middle America.” (2013) Atas do II Encontro Anual da AIM, May.



-“‘Hell is around the corner’: espaços de violência em Transe de Teresa Villaverde. Do microcosmo ficcional ao macrocosmo real." (2012) Terra em Transe. Ética e Estética do Cinema Português. Coord. Carolin Overhoff Ferreira. München: AVM. Edition.



-“New Frontiers, old values: representações de colonialismo e racismo em Do Androids dream of Electrical Sheep? e Blade Runner.” (2012) Cibercultura e Ficção. Lisbon: Documenta, Assírio e Alvim.



-“Câmera despudorada.” (2013) Bravo! Magazine, Issue 191, July. São Paulo, Brazil.



-“The Parade- instalação de Nathalie Djurberg e Hans Berg.” (2013) Paralaje- Revista Electrónica de Filosofia. Year 6, First Semester, Issue 9, 2013, Chile.




-“Os Mutantes, de Teresa Villaverde: da violência juvenil no cinema português. O resgate do mundo real.” (2014) Cinema em Português: III Jornadas. Org. Frederico Lopes. Livros Labcom: Coleção Cinema e Multimédia. Universidade da Beira Interior.




-“Afterschool: rostos e violência”, Revista Drama, Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Dramaturgos e Argumentistas, nr5, 2 Maio 2014.



-“Larry Clark: “Tulsa, Teenage Lust”- Artecapital , Setembro 2014.




-“Ainda do Mito de Sísifo: Subversão, Fúria e Niilismo em Rebel Without a Cause de Nicholas Ray”.(2014) Dialegesthai, Rivista Telematica di Filosofia. Forum Albert Camus, University of Rome, Italy.




-Da escrita à imagem: a adaptação cinematográfica de Paranoid Park, de Blake Nelson por Gus Van Sant. Portland, skating e adolescência. (2013) Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, no. 36, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil.




-“Kiss The Past Hello”: A Forward and an Afterward to Larry Clark’s Cinema. Photography and Cinema. (2015) 50 Years of Chris Marker’s La Jetée. Ed. Margarida Medeiros, Teresa Mendes Flores and Joana Cunha Leal. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge.



-“Kids: 20 anos depois: Jesus Christ, what happened? ArteCapital, Outubro 2015.




- Video installation The Kingdom in the Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Críticos Animales, Ano III. Vol. I, Junio 2016







Reviewer /Chair



- Referee for the International Journal of the Arts in Society.


-Jury for Special Creativity Award at The Globe International Silent Film Festival 2018, USA


-Expanding Cinema- Creative processes and practices. Screening with Q&A session, Faculty of Fine Arts, Aula magna, University of Porto, 22-23 November, 2018, Portugal


-Beyond History: the radiance of the Short Story. Chair. Panel “Experimental Challenges”.School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, June 27-30, 2018, Portugal


- Article “Brincas of Évora” Rituals of Carnival and Performance in the South of Portugal”, September 2009.

- Article “Word and Image”, January 2010

- Article “"The Place of Dance in the Moral Development of a Child”, September 2015.



Reviewer for Journal of Arts and Humanities, USA and Canada, Ed. Jordi C. Abello




-"Merging of the short story Genres", September 2015



-"‘Never shame to hear / What you have nobly done’: The Representation of Existential Shame in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus", May 2017


- "Homen Borgohain’s Matsyagandha: Politics of Language, Gender and Caste," April 2017


-Certified Copy, by Abbas Kiarostami (April 2011)




-Canino by Giorgos Lanthimos (May 2011) 




-Poetry, by Lee Chang-dong (November 2011)




-La Folie Almayer by Chantal AKerman (October 2012)




-Chair at the meeting on “Teaching and Practice of Filmmaking in Portugal”, organized by Festival Caminhos do Cinema Português, at Fusing Festival, August 2013, Figueira da Foz, Portugal.



-Chair at the panel “Cinema e Outras Artes”, IV Encontro Anual AIM, Universidade da Beira Interior, May 2014, Covilhã, Portugal.


-Chair at the panel " Cinema, Dança, Movimento", VI Encontro Anual AIM, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Maio 2016, Porto

- Chair at the panel " New Poetic Languages, Cinmea and Technology", Invisible Republic, International Conference on Music, Avant-Gardes and Counterculture, MAAT, ZDB and faculty of Letters, October 2017








-International Workshop “The Artist as an Entrepreneur & Career Paths", Round Table: “A Career off the Beaten Track” HKU, University of the Arts, Utrecht, December 17 - 18, 2018, The Netherlands.



-VIII Encontro Anual AIM.“ Nada é o que parece. A tecnologia abraça a metafísica na obra de Bill Viola”. University of Aveiro, May 16-19, 2018, Portugal



-39 th APEAA Conference,.“Slow Time and Tragedy in Gus Van Sant’s Gerry”. University of Évora April 26-28, 2018, Portugal


-Arts in Society International Conference, Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, Instituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice, July 2009, Italy.

 "The Violence of the Unsaid in Gus Van Sant's Elephant and Paranoid Park. The Role of the Viewer in Creating Narrative Meanings.




-SummerSchool “Cinema and Contemporary Art”, University of Nouvelle Sorbonne, Paris, July 2010, France. “Larry Clark’s Tulsa and Kids: Performing Youth Documents.”



-Asian Conferences on Arts and Humanities “East Meets West”, The International Academic Forum, Osaka (virtual presentation), June 2010, Japan.

“Play and Kill: Film Teenage Violence in Western and Eastern contemporary societies: Vant Sant's Elephant and Fukasaku's Battle Royale.”



-III Jornadas do Cinema Português, University of Beira Interior, October 2010, Covilhã, Portugal.

“Os Mutantes, de Teresa Villaverde: da violência juvenil no cinema português. O Resgate do Real.”, Covilhã, Portugal.



- I AIM Annual Meeting, University of Algarve, May 2011, Faro, Portugal.

“The Body and the sense of the Tragic” in Gus Van Sant’s Elephant and Paranoid Park.”



-Necs (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference, London, 23-26th June, 2011: Sonic Futures: Soundscapes and the languages of Screen Media, hosted by Birkbeck and King’s College, University of London, England.

“The Redemption of Banality: an aesthetic depiction of ordinary teenage life. Audio-visual dissonances in Gus Van Sant’s Elephant and Paranoid Park.”



-9º Congresso Alemão de Lusitanistas, University of Vienna, September 2011Austria.

“‘Hell is around the corner’: espaços de violência em “Transe” de Teresa Villaverde. Do microcosmo ficcional ao macrocosmo real."



-Colóquio Cibercultura e Ficção, University Nova de Lisboa, March 2012, Portugal.

“New Frontiers, old values: representações de colonialismo e racismo em Do Androids dream of Electrical Sheep? em Blade Runner.”



-Asca International Workshop 2012 “Extremely Close, Incredibly Slow”, University of Amsterdam, March 2012, Holland. “A Matter of Time: GusVan Sant’s Gerry.”



-II AIM Annual Meeting, Catholic University, Lisbon, May 2012, Portugal

“Tulsa, de Larry Clark e Rumble Fish, de Francis Ford Coppola: do outro lado do rio da Middle America.”



-NECS Conference “Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory”, UNL, Lisbon, June 2012. “Memory, Bodies and Youth in Larry Clark’s films.”, Portugal.



-Changing Times Conference: Performing Identities on Screen, University of Lisbon, November 2012, Portugal. “Tempo, Violência e Ética no filme Afterschool, de António Campos.”



-International Conference Photography and Cinema, 50 years of Chris Marker's La Jetée, UNL, Lisbon, November 2012, Portugal.

“Kiss the Past Hello-a foreword and an afterword to Larry Clark’s cinema.”


-III AIM Annual Meeting, University of Coimbra, May 2013, Portugal

“É a perceção, não é o músculo. Ainda Shakespeare e o cinema de Gus Van Sant: Timon of Athens e Last Days.”



-European Cinema Research Forum Annual Conference 2013, University of Edinburgh, July 2013, Scotland.

“Where are the Barbarians? The sense of Otherness in The Mutants, by Teresa Villaverde



-Neither Here, nor There, Yet Both: international Conference on the Luso-American ExperienceUniversity of Lisbon, July 2013, Portugal.

“Ainda à procura de um método: James Franco e a adaptação da prosa de Cormac McCarthy ao Cinema.”



-Philosophy and Film Conference, University of Lisbon, May 2014, Portugal.

“Truth and fake in flagrante delicto: an encounter between Wiseman and Gus Van Sant”.



-IV Enconto Anual AIM, Universidade da Beira Interior, May 2014, Portugal

“Ficção e real in flagrante delicto: um encontro entre as cinematografias de Frederik Wiseman e Gus Van Sant.”



-Noite Europeia dos Investigadores 2014-2015 - Museu Nacional da História Natural e da Ciência, September 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.“A investigação teórica na criação artística”



-4t Alternative Film/Video Research Forum, New Media Art, Alternative Film/Video Festival, December 2015 Belgrade, Serbia.

“Things are not what they seem: Technology embraces metaphysics in Bill Viola’s work’


-David Bowie Interart-text- Media Conference,  Faculty of Arts and Letters, Culturgest, 22-24 September 2016, Lisbon


-Invisible Republic- International Conference on Music, Avant-Gardes and Counterculture, 25-27 October 2016, MAAT, ZDB, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Lisbon


- 39th Meeting APEAA Meeting, University of Évora, April 2018

 " Slow Time and Tragedy in Gus Van Sant's Gerry"


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